Policy Briefs

STARGO Overview

Investing in collaboration to manage environmental resource conflict 

Investing in conflict management capacity helps support rural livelihoods and equitable governance. This brief summarizes the outcomes of dialogue in three ecoregions and makes recommendations for policy implementation.

STARGO Private Sector Policy Brief

Engaging the private sector to address conflict in natural resource management 

International investments in agroindustry present a growing source of tension for people who rely on land, forests, water and fisheries. This brief presents guidance on engaging the private sector to identify joint solutions.

STARGO Gender Policy

Supporting gender-inclusive dialogue over natural resource management 

Poor rural women often face institutionalized barriers to effective participation in resource management. The brief discusses how inclusive dialogue can help address those barriers and achieve more equitable outcomes.

STARGO Comanagement Policy

Collaborative dialogue to support local institutions in natural resource co-management

Conflicting stakeholder interests and disparities in power and capacity make co-management difficult to implement. This brief shows how dialogue processes can support local institutions to participate more effectively.